Terms of Service

The Mid-Valley Positive Parent Point system is a web based reward system for families with children ages 0-18 living in Polk or Yamhill County. Families engaged in the system will have the opportunity to earn points for activities based on the ages and locations of their registered children. 


  • Families who register must live in Polk or Yamhill County, those registered outside of the area will not be eligible to earn prizes.
    • Those who register must use a valid mailing address. The address listed in the system will be used to distribute prizes during the prize redemption window. Any changes should be updated in your Positive Parent Points profile.
  • Children can only be registered in one account, please only register children who live in your household. 


  • Points should be collected once a family completes each selected activity.
    • Depending on the activity, verification may be required. Activities may be verified in the following ways:
      1. Special code: If you are attending an event that has been listed in the system, event organizers will provide you with a code to verify your attendance
      2. Photos: Activities that have a certificate or other documentation provided may require you to upload a photo of the documentation to the system.  
      3. Text Box: Some activities may require you to type a short explanation of how your family engaged in the activities. For example, you may be asked to list the books you read as a family. 


  • The opportunity to redeem prizes will happen once per quarter. 
    • These will happen in January, April, June, and October. 
      1. The redemption window will close on the last day of the eligible month.
      2. Prizes can take up to 2 weeks after the close of the redemption period to receive. 
        1. We may also reach out for additional information as we put these together. Be on the lookout for emails from us. 
    • If you have selected to pick up your prize, you will receive an email when it is ready. Please do not plan to pick up prior to receiving the email.
      1. Prize pick up will take place at the Polk County Resource Center located at 182 SW Academy Street Dallas, OR 97338
      2. While onsite to pick up your prize, users are expected to follow the Resource Center’s Mutual Respect Policy.
  • Families will be able to redeem one prize per quarter. 
  • Each quarter there are 3 enter to win opportunities, where those who enter will be placed into a drawing and one winner will be selected for each of the passes. Once you have selected the annual pass drawing you would like to enter, 500 points will be deducted from your point total. This deduction is non-refundable, even in the event that you do not win the prize.

As we continue to build out the system and work out the kinks, there may be times where there are upgrades that are pushed out or adjustments that are made. Please be patient with us as we work through them. We are working on ways to make the system as user friendly and fun as possible for you and your family. If you have questions, please feel free to reach out to us at gilbert.stephanie@co.polk.or.us

Mid-Valley Parenting reserves the right to deactivate accounts for users who are not following the terms outlined above.